Sunday, May 8, 2011

possibly a new car?

My dad has been talking about getting me a new car. It technically is not new but still who cares. I have been trying to get a job so I can buy a Nissan 350z and make payments on it but I have been unable to get hired anywhere. I have tried numerous places to no avail. I did however just get a new alternator for my car and car audio guy I work part time for is supposed to be getting new equipment soon. I will probably run 2 15s in my car along with all new component speakers for the interior. The interior speakers will be up in the 135 db range with the subwoofers hitting around the 150 db mark. For those of you who do not really know about dbs, this is really, really loud. We will be going to car shows and such aimed only towards car audio. Besides competing, it is really cool just to hang out and see all the cars and hang out with the people. The competitions are always a blast.
Going back to the new car situation, I am looking at getting a used Infinity, Acura, or possibly just a Honda Civic. They all can look good and get descent gas mileage. I also need a descent sized trunk for all the car audio that I love to do. I would really be happy with any of those vehicles or even my 350z. The 350z would need the spare tire to be removed to have the desired airspace to house subwoofers of this magnitude.

Poker lately

I do not have a job currently so all I really do is play poker. It used to be easier with online poker because I was able to cash out a lot. Getting $100+ about every two weeks was real nice. Since the ban I have had to stick to house tournaments and cash games. What sucks about house games is driving to get to them especially with gas hovering around $4. $20 does not get me very far nowadays. Lately I have had to put about $15 in my tank every other day.
The last two cash games I have played in I have done really well. The first one I bought in for $20 and ended up losing it fairly quickly. One of my buddies bummed me another $20 and I lost that as well. So I just bummed another $20. My lucky changed drastically. I started catching every hand I and won almost every huge pot. I ended up paying back my friends $40 that I owed him and still cashed out for about $140. The second cash game I bought in for $25. I ended up losing that. I bought in for another $20 and started winning like last time. I was up to about $120 towards the end. On the very last hand we were playing Omaha Hi. Omaha is similar to Texas Hold’Em for those of you who know that particular card game. There are still five community cards but instead of two cards you get four and you have to play two of your hole cards. My whole cards were 88A7 which is a pretty good starting hand. My ace and one of my eights were also suited so I had a nut flush draw. There were four people in this particular hand. Two of them were all-in pre-flop with a raise of around $10. I was able to make this call fairly easily. The flop was 825 which gave me the best possible hand with a set of 8s. I bet $5 and the other kid in the hand called. The turn was a 6 which gave straight opportunities but also gave me a flush draw. I bet $7 and the other kid raised to $40. Even though I may possibly be beat at this point I have around eighteen outs so I pretty much have to call. I called and the last card was a 4 but gave me the nut flush. I took the pot and came out way ahead.

Go Bulls

Really the only thing that has been keeping me preoccupied lately is the NBA and NHL playoffs. Only one of my teams is in the playoffs this year. The Chicago Bulls. My hockey team, the St. Louis Blues, started the season off great but ended it terribly due to injuries and us trading away all of our good players. Hopefully we are able to pick up a lot of good talent for next year otherwise we may have another disappointing year. Needless to say, I will be extremely pissed if they do not get their stuff together and pick replace all the players they released.
The Bulls on the other hand are doing really well. Finally. Took them long enough. I was a little afraid when they lost the first game at home but they were able to rebound and take the lead on the series. They lost tonight in Atlanta, the series is now tied, but they should be able to bounce back in Chicago and put the pressure back on the Atlanta Hawks. D Rose is still beasting though. He had 30+ points tonight but that was not enough to pull out the win. However, being the MVP he should be the person to take charge this up coming game.

not good

Well after all the trips to the hospital, my dad found out Wednesday that his tumor was indeed cancerous. He ended up having surgery on Thursday to help fix his bone cancer. I went up to the hospital and skipped my first class to make sure he was going to be alright. After the surgery he was pretty much worn out (plus he did not get a whole lot of sleep the night before) so he ended up sleeping. I left the hospital and went to my last class of the day. My step-mother was sending me updates so I would not have to worry so much about not being there. Right after class I headed straight back to Barnes Jewish Hospital. He was sleeping when I got there. My step-mother, her parents, my godfather, and my grandparents were all still at the hospital. They were able to remove 98% of the tumor and are planning on giving him chemo for the rest of the tumor. He should be ok. This was a huge relief to me because the day before the surgery he was telling me how the life expectancy for bone cancer is around two to five years. Not exactly the statistic a son wants to hear about his father.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Yadi vs Philips

This year I have gone two Cardinals game. We lost the first one to the Pirates and this next game was against the Reds. It was also Stan “The Man” Musial bobble head day at Busch Stadium. We left early to make sure we got a bobble head and after that we went out to eat. We ate at bar that cooks their food outside. Options are beer, burgers, beer, cheeseburger, beer, hot dog, and beer. After we ate we headed back towards Busch Stadium. One of my buddies was at the game as well but was a few sections down. There are about five people I know that always manage to be at the same games as me. I usually get nachos at Busch Stadium along with drinks and other items, but today I only had the water and soda I brought. The day seemed like a wonderful day for baseball game. One of the Red’s players is Brandon Philips. He started a scuffle last year and started trash with Yadi. Everytime he came up to the plate he got boo’ed hard. I believe he was like 2-4 for the game with two doubles. However, the Reds were unable to score. It also began to rain somewhere in the 5th inning. I was unable to see due to the people in front of me holding their damn umbrellas too high. Luckily there were nothing but free seats to my left so I scooted down so I could enjoy the game.In the 6th inning, Yadier Molina came up to bat with two people on base. The pitch is thrown. Yadi swings at the ball. An audible pop of a baseball hitting a wooden bat. The ball is gone. Yadi hit a three run home-run for us to take the lead. That was enough for us to win the game. Suck it Philips. Yadi ftw.

One Long Tuesday Part 3

I arrived home around 6:15 p.m. I had spent nine hours at school and finally was able to lay in my bed to relax. After about a half-hour I was about to go grab something to eat considering I had not ate since earlier in the afternoon. About the time I was going to get out of bed, my sister comes running into my room saying I have to take my dad to the emergency room. He had found out a few days earlier that he had a tumor in his arm; he did not know if it there was only one or if it was cancerous. Apparently he managed to hurt his arm more this particular day. He was moving items with my sister(not the smartest idea he has ever had) and went to pick up only one item. To his surprise his arm let out a loud pop. He believed he broke it to go along with the tumor in his arm. The ambulance came and picked him up to take him to Barnes Jewish Hospital. I had to pick up my grandma and head towards the hospital as well. I managed to be only a minutes later than the ambulance. To my dismay, we were put in a waiting room. We waited and waited and waited and waited. It took two hours for them to register my dad and another two or three for him to finally get a room. The hospital experience did not get much better after that. They were not giving my dad enough medication to control the pain and they were taking too long moving him about. They even had to redo x-rays before finally determining that his arm was fractured. Then they tried to set-up a plan to make sure they would be able to operate and set-up an appointment time. We finally left the hospital around 7 a.m.. As soon as I got home, I made sure my dad was fine and comfortable then I took myself to bed and crashed hard. I ended up waking up around 8 p.m.

One Long Tuesday Part 2

My alarm clock went off several times. My little sister(she is a freshman in high school) came into my room and tried to get me out of bed around 7:15 a.m., but I was not waking up. Finally I crawled out of bed into the bathroom to take my morning shower. I got dressed and jumped in my car to start my journey to school. I sometimes choose to stay at my mom’s on Monday and Wednesdays because she lives closer to the Belleville campus so I get to sleep in an extra half-hour. Not much but I enjoy it. I arrived to class fifteen minutes pass eight which would make me usually late, however, our professor does not really begin lecture until quarter after. I went about my normal school day and grabbed a bite to eat with my buddy Todd at Jimmy John’s. We have ate at nearly every place you can in the Belleville area. After we eat, I still have about a two hour break until my next class. This is time spent doing homework or socializing with friends if there is nothing else to do. This particular day held no special significance as far as Chemistry goes besides the fact we had a test on Thursday. Lecture and lab went on as usual and I finally was able to leave SWIC and head home.

One Long Tuesday

Last Tuesday was a horrible day. The day before I decided I was going to go stay at my mom’s house in Troy, Illinois to see my little sisters and such. While I was over there, a few of my poker buddies who I had not played cards with in over three weeks gave me a call and said they were going to start a cash game down the road from my moms. I had not played in awhile due to Full Tilt being shut down and me being busy with school so I decided I would go ahead and play. I bought in for $20, lost that. Borrowed $20, lost that. Borrowed another $20, and was able to win enough while paying off the person I had borrowed money off of to still walk away up $94. Not too shabby for being negative $60 at one point. Then I went home. I arrived home somewhere around 1:30p.m. Sometimes it is very hot in my room at my moms house and the bed is not as comfortable as my foam mattress at my dad’s house. I found a fan and turned it on full blast. I still managed to become hot underneath the blankets. After about three hours of discomfort, I changed blankets. I layed some more still unable to get comfortable. Stared at the bright red numbers on my alarm clock. I somehow managed to fall asleep somewhere around the time of 5:30 a.m. Unfortunately, the next day my class began at 8 a.m.