Monday, May 2, 2011

One Long Tuesday Part 3

I arrived home around 6:15 p.m. I had spent nine hours at school and finally was able to lay in my bed to relax. After about a half-hour I was about to go grab something to eat considering I had not ate since earlier in the afternoon. About the time I was going to get out of bed, my sister comes running into my room saying I have to take my dad to the emergency room. He had found out a few days earlier that he had a tumor in his arm; he did not know if it there was only one or if it was cancerous. Apparently he managed to hurt his arm more this particular day. He was moving items with my sister(not the smartest idea he has ever had) and went to pick up only one item. To his surprise his arm let out a loud pop. He believed he broke it to go along with the tumor in his arm. The ambulance came and picked him up to take him to Barnes Jewish Hospital. I had to pick up my grandma and head towards the hospital as well. I managed to be only a minutes later than the ambulance. To my dismay, we were put in a waiting room. We waited and waited and waited and waited. It took two hours for them to register my dad and another two or three for him to finally get a room. The hospital experience did not get much better after that. They were not giving my dad enough medication to control the pain and they were taking too long moving him about. They even had to redo x-rays before finally determining that his arm was fractured. Then they tried to set-up a plan to make sure they would be able to operate and set-up an appointment time. We finally left the hospital around 7 a.m.. As soon as I got home, I made sure my dad was fine and comfortable then I took myself to bed and crashed hard. I ended up waking up around 8 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard many negative things about Barnes Jewish Hospital most of which relate to them being very slow. Out of personal experience, if you go there with chest pains they are pretty quick. I hope you're dad is ok. Did they ever figure out any more about the tumor? Hopefully they find that it’s nothing. I hope everything works out and your dad recovers quickly and fully. Best of luck and hopefully you get lots of sleep and no more accidents and no more losing sleep.
